Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Blue box

First I have to tell you all, thank you for your advices, I used them on my blue box and I am so happy because I loooove how it turned. Now I have a desire to buy plenty boxes and to design them.
This night while I was doing nothing I decided to design the last box that I had and to use your advices. I didn't regret.
First I opened my box with napkins and at once I found the real napkin for my box. I cut it, I put a little bit of decoupage glue on the box with a paintbrush, and than I put the napkin on it. I was doing that piece by piece and at the end I put a glue on the box where I didn't had a napkin. After that I put a glue over the napkin and in that moment I felt like a magician. The napkin wasn't moving, it wasn't furrowed, I didn't got bubbles and white parts, it was all blue. :)
I feel great! I think I am on the right way!!! :)) Thanks!!!


  1. znaci sega na tapet za ovaa kutija! :D
    Bravo!!!!!!! Sovrsena salfetka, dobro ti teknalo i ispadnalo. Sega nakupuvaj gi site kutii , slobodno!
    I ti najdov greska :D Na koseto od ovaa strana malce se gleda belo od salfetkata :))) iako se sovrseno :D

  2. Eeee pa i ti sega ne me izdavaj! :)) Covek uci dodeka e ziv, pa taka i ja. :) Fala za komplimentite, a i za salfetkata, bas mi se najde! :)
